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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Things to remember!

{one} study for finance.
{two} finish reading Freokenomics
{three} pray pray pray
{four} drink h2o
{five} think positive
{six} try new things

Soup days

Living in Tennessee in the winter is a struggle for a Miami girl. Soup helps me survive these cold rainy winter days. This past Friday I made Pho, this was my first attempt at making a modified Vietnamese meal. It turned out great I think. This year I'm going to dedicate it to cooking healthy meals at home, I eat out way to much. I will be sharing some recipes soon!



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Long weeks

Let me put this in perspective: right now I'm procrastinating lots of things that need to be done. For what? post on my blog. I realized that I completely abandoned my blog to focus on things like business school. To become the "best" business major I can be, so that when I'm out in corporate America I don't get eaten alive by those corporate ladder climbing sharks. yeah yeah whatever. Anyways I now decided that is a dumb idea and I'm doing something for my self, which is working on this blog.

The weeks of this winter semester have been adventure filled. This weekend I'm going to a cabin for a girls getaway, there will be lots of storied to tell. I will be adding to my adventure list for sure! As of now all I can think about is how much I hate studying and how much I love my bed.

